This year ‘The Big Green Week , organised by the Climate Coalition, is 8-16 June. The theme this year is ‘Let’s Swap Together For Good’.  It’s a week when we can all take action alongside others, showing off our green credentials and make doing something good for the environment, fun and meaningful.

The Climate Coalition has produced a really great schools pack for the week – it includes loads of resources to inspire you and help you deliver activities.This year BHCC and Smarter Uniforms are collaborating to encourage more swapping in schools. Smarter Uniforms works across the city to help keep second-hand school uniform in circulation by making it easier for parents and carers to buy and sell second-hand uniforms and by helping people to access free second-hand uniform.

You may already have plans for an activity during the Big Green Week and we’d love to hear what they are so we can celebrate school action across the city. But if you haven’t, how about considering one of the following activities;

●      hosting a clothes, toy or book swap in school – check out the Our City Our World clothes swap (secondary), clothes exchange (primary) and bring and take event guides.

●      holding a second-hand uniform sale or exchange

●      running a uniform donation day to top up your supply of second-hand uniform

●      talk to pupils and parents about your uniform policy

●      run an upcycling activity with old uniform items

●      encourage parents to sign up to the Smarter Uniforms marketplace

Smarter Uniforms is creating a new resource for schools to help schools host uniform sales and will also be making it possible for schools to fundraise from sales on the marketplace. Keep an eye on for more details.

Let us know what you are planning so we can spread the word and generate more interest. And if you already have a uniform initiative that you are proud of and would like to tell others about, please drop Anna from Smarter Uniforms a line at [email protected]

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